We’ve known for a while that a major challenge in innovation isn’t idea generation, it’s what happens next. At Brigham and Women’s, a nationally renowned hospital in Boston that employs 15,000 people, turning exciting, productive, and impactful ideas into tangible ways to help patients is a similarly relevant challenge.
There’s no shortage of these ideas; 72% of clinicians at the Brigham think of initiatives to improve patient care that they would be interested in pursuing, but get stalled there. They don’t know what the next step is, and finding time and securing funding to build a software solution, medical device, or new patient service may also provide challenges.Enter the Brigham Innovation Hub, a resource center launched in 2013 with the mission of turning concepts, innovations, and research from the hospital’s clinicians into products and services that affect healthcare outcomes and improve patient experiences.
Executive Director Lesley Solomon visited Continuum’s Boston studio to share a bit of background on the ways the iHub is connecting ideas to outcomes and building relationships in the broader community to encourage innovation. Lesley’s talk addressed the central question: how does an organization move ideas forward and provide those much-needed next steps?
Continuum Insights: Making Innovation Real at Brigham & Women’s Hospital
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