Digital Innovation Hub

Get to Know the iHub: Social Media Series Highlighting the Impact of the Brigham Digital Innovation Hub

Get to Know the iHub was a social media initiative to introduce members of the team and promote the iHub’s services in a fresh way. Every week, the iHub shared an image on our LinkedIn and Twitter accounts featuring a team member, fun facts, and most importantly how they help move digital innovation forward.

The series was very well received on both Twitter and LinkedIn. We were able to increase our views on LinkedIn by 289%. Our overall LinkedIn impressions were the highest when we posted these Get to Know the iHub stories. Total monthly profile visits on Twitter increased 218% between January and March 2022.  The total number of new followers monthly also increased during the Get to Know the iHub series. Overall, we noticed higher engagement rates on Twitter as well.

In case you missed it, please take a look back at our series. Following the success of this series, the iHub plans next to have an innovator spotlight series, where we highlight innovators from within our health system and share their ideas and innovative projects.



