Digital Innovation Hub


Creating a Culture of Innovation

Leveraging the Brigham Health Community
Researchers, clinicians, and staff convene to bring to life the best and most innovative ideas for digital health innovation. Ideas are evaluated and elaborated, and if they show promise, set in motion through our checklist-based process. Specialized guidance, informed review, world-class team input, and support create an unmatched environment and culture for advanced digital innovation.

Thought Leadership in Digital Health
Through public events and working sessions, iHub facilitates high impact gatherings that convene the digital health community, generating conversations and unique collaborations.

Supporting Innovation
iHub actively encourages and supports a robust innovation community to drive a dynamic portfolio of projects, developing assets and capabilities that drive commercialization and attract new collaborations.

Organizing Progress
We organize around problems that cross specialties, emerging technologies, care delivery environments, and within specialties, so we can merchandize our assets and capabilities for collaboration, commercialization and broader implementation.

Focusing on Collaboration

We continuously strive to identify opportunities and facilitate collaborations with industry innovators who might help advance our work, or whose own work might benefit from collaboration with the iHub.

Growing Presence
Through all channels, we continue to increase visibility, attracting top innovators and establishing the iHub as a leading global digital health resource.